ISO has published 25,000+ standards!
There are many ISO sector-specific best practice guidelines that can boost your business and demonstrate your unique value to clients and employees.
We assist you in implementing them, and obtaining certification through an exclusive Letter of Conformance.
Stand out from others with a letter of conformance
Explore the world of ISO guideline standards, which provide the best practices based on decades of experience from global experts. This list is just a sample; please check the link below to discover thousands more!
Business Success & Profitability
ISO 10005:2018
Quality management — Guidelines for quality plans
ISO 9004:2018
Quality management — Quality of an organization — Guidance to achieve sustained success
ISO 10014:2021
Quality management systems — Managing an organization for quality results — Guidance for realizing financial and economic benefits
Management Consultancy Services
ISO 20700:2017
Guidelines for management consultancy services
HR Management, Wellbeing & Development
Human Resources Management
ISO 30405:2023
Human resource management — Guidelines on recruitment
ISO 30409:2016
Human resource management — Workforce planning
ISO 30434:2023
Human resource management — Workforce allocation
ISO 30406:2017
Human resource management — Sustainable employability
management for organizations
ISO 30408:2016
Human resource management — Guidelines on human governance
Culture & Engagement
ISO 10010:2022
Quality management — Guidance to understand, evaluate and improve organizational quality culture
ISO 10018:2020
Quality management — Guidance for people engagement
Psychological & Mental Wellbeing
ISO 45003:2021
Occupational health and safety management — Psychological health and safety at work — Guidelines for managing psychosocial risks
ISO 10075-1:2017
Ergonomic principles related to mental workload — Part 1: General issues and concepts, terms and definitions
ISO 10075-2:1996
Ergonomic principles related to mental workload — Part 2: Design principles
ISO 10075-3:2004
Ergonomic principles related to mental workload — Part 3: Principles and requirements concerning methods for measuring and assessing mental workload
Learning & Development
ISO 30422:2022
Human resource management — Learning and development
ISO 30437:2023
Human resource management — Learning and development metrics
ISO 10015:2019
Quality management — Guidelines for competence management and people development
ISO 40180:2017
Information technology — Quality for learning, education and training — Fundamentals and reference framework
*covers e-learning activities
Organisational Governance & Change Management
ISO 37000:2021
Governance of organizations — Guidance
ISO 37002:2021
Whistleblowing management systems — Guidelines
ISO 10020:2022
Quality management systems — Organizational change management — Processes
Organisational Resilience & Business Continuity
ISO 22316:2017
Security and resilience — Organizational resilience — Principles and attributes
ISO 22331:2018
Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems — Guidelines for business continuity strategy
ISO 22332:2021
Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems — Guidelines for developing business continuity plans and procedures
ISO 22330:2018
Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems — Guidelines for people aspects of business continuity
Risk Management & Crisis Management
Risk Management
ISO 31000:2018
Risk management — Guidelines
ISO 31050:2023
Risk management — Guidelines for managing an emerging risk to enhance resilience
ISO 31022:2020
Risk management — Guidelines for the management of legal risk
Crisis Management
ISO 22361:2022
Security and resilience — Crisis management — Guidelines
ISO 22320:2018
Security and resilience — Emergency management — Guidelines for incident management
Innovation Management & Branding Valuation
ISO 56002:2019
Innovation management — Innovation management system — Guidance
*covers all types of innovation across all sectors
ISO 56007:2023
Innovation management — Tools and methods for managing opportunities and ideas — Guidance
ISO 10668:2010
Brand valuation — Requirements for monetary brand valuation
Project Management, Quality & Governance
ISO 10006:2017
Quality management — Guidelines for quality management in projects
ISO 21502:2020
Project, programme and portfolio management — Guidance on project management
ISO 21505:2017
Project, programme and portfolio management — Guidance on governance
Customer Service & Satisfaction through Quality
ISO 10001:2018
Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations
ISO 10002:2018
Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations
ISO 10003:2018
Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for dispute resolution external to organizations
ISO 10004:2018
Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for monitoring and measuring
ISO 10008:2022
Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidance for business-to-consumer electronic commerce transactions
Climate Change & Environmental Impacts
Climate Change
ISO 14090:2019
Adaptation to climate change — Principles, requirements and guidelines
ISO 14091:2021
Adaptation to climate change — Guidelines on vulnerability, impacts and risk assessment
ISO 14008:2019
Monetary valuation of environmental impacts and related environmental aspects
Building & Civil Engineering & Construction
Management of Project Information
ISO 22263:2008
Organization of information about construction works — Framework for management of project information
ISO 15392:2019
Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works — General principles
Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works — Guidelines on the application of the general principles in ISO 15392
ISO 21678:2020
Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works — Indicators and benchmarks — Principles, requirements and guidelines
ISO 22845:2020
Resilience of buildings and civil engineering works
ISO 23234:2021
Buildings and civil engineering works — Security — Planning of security measures in the built environment
ISO 20400:2017
Sustainable procurement — Guidance
ISO 22058:2022
Construction procurement — Guidance on strategy and tactics
ISO 10845-1:2020
Construction procurement — Part 1: Processes, methods and
ISO 10845-2:2020
Construction procurement — Part 2: Formatting and compilation of procurement documentation
ISO 10845-3:2021
Construction procurement — Part 3: Standard conditions of tender
ISO 10845-4:2021
Construction procurement — Part 4: Standard conditions for the calling for expressions of interest
ISO 10845-5:2011
Construction procurement — Part 5: Participation of targeted enterprises in contracts
ISO 10845-6:2011
Construction procurement — Part 6: Participation of targeted partners in joint ventures in contracts
ISO 10845-7:2011
Construction procurement — Part 7: Participation of local enterprises and labour in contracts
ISO 10845-8:2011
Construction procurement — Part 8: Participation of targeted labour in contracts
IT Software, Web, Security, Cybersecurity & AI
IT Software & Website Development
ISO 90003:2018
Software engineering — Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015 to computer software
*applying the quality management system to this specific activity
ISO 24748-1:2018
Systems and software engineering — Life cycle management — Part 1: Guidelines for life cycle management
ISO 16326:2019
Systems and software engineering — Life cycle processes — Project management
ISO 23026:2023
Systems and software engineering — Engineering and management of websites for systems, software and services information
IT Security Risk Management & Governance & Cybersecurity
ISO 27005:2022
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Guidance on managing information security risks
ISO 27014:2020
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Governance of information security
ISO 27032:2023
Cybersecurity — Guidelines for Internet security
ISO 27400:2022
Cybersecurity — IoT security and privacy — Guidelines
IT Governance
ISO 38500:2015
Information technology — Governance of IT for the organization
ISO 38501:2015
Information technology — Governance of IT — Implementation guide
ISO 38502:2017
Information technology — Governance of IT — Framework and model
IT Artificial Intelligence
ISO 24368:2022
Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Overview of ethical and societal concerns
ISO 24028:2020
Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Overview of trustworthiness in artificial intelligence
ISO 23894:2023
Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Guidance on risk management
ISO 38507:2022
Information technology — Governance of IT — Governance implications of the use of artificial intelligence by organizations
ISO 27563:2023
Security and privacy in artificial intelligence use cases — Best practices
Supply Chain Continuity & Security & Cybersecurity
ISO 22318:2021
Security and resilience — Business continuity management systems — Guidelines for supply chain continuity management
ISO 22342:2023
Security and resilience — Protective security — Guidelines for the development of a security plan for an organization
ISO 22380:2018
Security and resilience — Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents — General principles for product fraud risk and countermeasures
ISO 22384:2020
Security and resilience — Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents — Guidelines to establish and monitor a protection plan and its implementation
ISO 27036-1:2021
Cybersecurity — Supplier relationships — Part 1: Overview and concepts
ISO 27036-2:2022
Cybersecurity — Supplier relationships — Part 2: Requirements
ISO 27036-3:2023
Cybersecurity — Supplier relationships — Part 3: Guidelines for hardware, software, and services supply chain security
ISO 27036-4:2016
Information technology — Security techniques — Information security for supplier relationships — Part 4: Guidelines for security of cloud services
Telehealth Services
ISO 13131:2021
Health informatics — Telehealth services — Quality planning guidelines
Cosmetics & Royal Jelly Production
ISO 22716:2007
Cosmetics — Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) — Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices
ISO 12824:2016
Royal jelly — Specifications
Where can I explore all the 25,000+ standards?
Use the official ISO search engine by visiting this link, choosing standards from under the search box, and start searching your way! It can be a little bit overwhelming; just use it to get an idea, then contact us for a free consultation and a number of suggestions.
Who is the issuer of the Letter of Conformance?
We only partner with accredited certifying bodies, to issue a Letter of Conformance. This lends you the credibility of their status and their expertise in third-party audits.
Other ISO Standards FAQ’s
How is an ISO certificate and an ISO Letter of Conformance different?
Accredited certifying bodies offer ISO certificates to entities that demonstrate compliance with standards known as “management systems.” For example, ISO 9001:2015 deals with “quality management systems.” These standards have audit guidelines, thus they can be certified. There are only a limited number of ISO certifiable management systems (view list here).
ISO certificates have a certification cycle of three years, and require an annual audit for renewal. These certificates expire at the end of the cycle, thus requiring re-certification every three years.
For most of the other ISO 25,000+ standards, an entity may obtain a Letter of Conformance from an accredited certifying body, which attests to its compliance with the ISO standard.
ISO Letters of Conformance do not expire. As long as the standard itself remains unchanged (usually for 10–15 years), it remains valid indefinitely and does not require annual audits.
We specialize in assisting entities in implementing these guidelines, successfully completing an external audit, and obtaining the exclusive ISO Letters of Conformance from accredited certification bodies.
What are the benefits of obtaining an ISO Letter of Conformance?
Enhance culture, image, and reputation: Reinforce a best practices culture among your employees as well as your clientele. Implementing ISO standards helps reinforce a corporate image that prioritizes quality in all aspects of business.
Win more deals: When a third-party certification body audits your operation to ensure it meets ISO standards and certifies it, it adds instant credibility to your business and instills confidence in prospective clients.
Improve services and products: Implementing ISO standards improves your company’s ability to serve its clients. You will be better able to recognise risks and steer clear of problems.
Increase profitability: Improving your processes and the way you do things would result in lower expenses, higher outputs, and more effective use of available resources. This increases profitability.
Is obtaining an ISO Letter of Conformance difficult?
Not at all, as we keep it easy, using our “Solvy-Simple Method for Certification & Compliance” while you continue your work as usual. We only ask that one or two managers be available for around three Zoom calls, with the final one being for certification.
The first step would involve outlining the plan and asking a few questions to understand your activities. The second step would be to provide you with the custom-tailored manual and template forms (the first set of forms would be pre-filled). Finally, for the third step, the virtual audit meeting with the external certifying body would take place.
Since the entire system is form-based, you can apply it to your operations as you see fit and at your own pace.
Ongoing Compliance-as-a-Service FAQ
Can you help us with compliance after we get an ISO Letter of Conformance?
Of course! We’d be glad to help you maintain your ISO conformance with ongoing support. We can function as your “outsourced” ISO compliance department. We’d free up your resources, cut your costs, and save you time to focus on what you do best.
Here is how this works:
We can connect for approximately one hour per month via Zoom call, email, or a customised form. We would gather some general information about the updates at your company.
After that, we will finish filling out the necessary forms and write management reports. We’d send you those documents, answer your questions, and discuss improvements.
We’d help you get the best out of the ISO standard you have chosen to adopt and implement. We will provide you with all the necessary information and support you completely. You can ensure your business continuous compliance with our exclusive “Solvy-Simple Method for Certification & Compliance.”